world ambient
Albums scraped2021-12-07T03:27:45.339Z
Last updated2021-12-12T01:07:37.415Z
Released at
97Mysteria - Tribal Instinct1990
5Music from the World of Osho - In Wonder1991
9Peter Phippen - Night Song1993
98Delerium - Semantic Spaces1994-08-22
61Natacha Atlas - Diaspora1995-07-03
51Mushio FUNAZAWA - For Butoh Vol,11995
71Mushio FUNAZAWA - Music for SEMIMARU1995
19Ginkgo Garden - Secret Call1996
95Delerium - Karma1997-04-22
46Various Artists - Café del Mar Vol. XVI1997
81Various Artists - Copernico Incantato1997
75Various Artists - BEAUTY - Music That Touches The Heart1998
88Nicholas Gunn - Passion In My Heart1998
80Various Artists - Keep On Walking1999-02-19
96Natacha Atlas - Gedida1999-02
26dj Cheb i Sabbah - Shri Durga1999-04
12Jon Hassell - Fascinoma1999
77Lesiëm - Lesiem1999
1Music from the World of Osho - Ten Thousand Buddhas2000-11-19
2Stephan Micus - The Garden of Mirrors2000
86Lesiëm - Mystic Spirit Voices2000
13Alio Die & Amelia Cuni - Asparas2001-07-12
45B-Tribe - Spiritual Spiritual2001-10-09
24Erik Wøllo - Wind Journey2001
38Earth Trybe - Trance World2001
91Solaris - Secret Chamber2001
18Enaid - Avalon - A Celtic Legend2002-02-19
68Enaid - Avalon: A Celtic Legend2002-02-19
90Entheogenic - Entheogenic2002-04-24
54Terra Ambient - The Darker Space2002-06-18
89Mythos - Eternity2002-08-27
84Gary B - Essence by Luminous2002
85Gary B - So Lost in Your Love2002
93dj Cheb i Sabbah - Krishna Lila2002
20Ikarus - The Angkor Sessions2003-01-01
25Waterbone - Book of Stars - The Orion Prophecy2003-02-04
29Deuter - Sea & Silence2003-02-24
41Erik Wøllo - Emotional Landscapes2003-04-08
78Lesiëm - Times2003-04-11
79Lesiëm - Auracle2003-04-11
73B-Tribe - 52003-09-16
58Deuter - Earth Blue2003-11-07
22M-Seven - activate2003-12-19
74Iskelu - Asian Spa2003
3Ryan Farish - Beautiful2004-04-20
28Nicholas Gunn - Breathe2004-09-28
7Erik Wøllo - Blue Sky, Red Guitars2004-10-05
4Terra Ambient - The Gate2004
43Adham Shaikh - Fusion2004
70Deuter - East of the Full Moon2005-10-18
39Eccodek - Voices Have Eyes2005
33Blue Stone - Breathe2006-01-31
99La Caina - Café del Mar by La Caina - Vue Mer2006-04-06
100Delerium - Nuages Du Monde2006-10-02
37Mystical Sun - Deeperworlds2006-12-21
6Behavior - Splinter Cell: Double Agent Soundtrack2006
17Diane Arkenstone - Following the Equator2006
27AURAH - Kismet2006
42Mysteria - Tempting the Muse2006
55Marcome - River of Soul2006
31Dream Lab - Cosmotherapy2007-09-27
60Bryan El - Out of This World2008-03-04
56Marcomé - River Of Soul2008-05-29
87Blue Stone - Worlds Apart Remixed2008-07-29
65Homeless Balloon - Oriental Spaces2008-08-11
16Deuter - Atmospheres2008-10-01
52Australis - The Gates of Reality2008-11-22
14Eccodek - Shivaboom2008
36Edelis - Swift Thoughts2009-03-16
40Dubdiver - Box of Secrets2009-05-22
67Edelis - Cryptic Secret2009-08-01
35Mystical Sun - Energy Mind Consciousness2009-10-31
62Mirage of Deep - Deep Flow2009-12-11
8Terra Ambient - Wanderlust2009
63Melvin Gibbs' Elevated Entity - Ancients Speak2009
76Ephemeral Mists - Moon Ritual2009
10Edelis - Time's Wheel2010-01-22
66Erik Wøllo - Gateway2010-05-25
69Conjure One - Exilarch2010-10-19
83Edelis - Moment of Creation2010-11-19
50Michael E - Late At Night2010-11-20
94Australis - Sentient Genus2010-11-30
82M-Seven - Imaginary Being2011-01
47Steve Roach - Live at SoundQuest Fest2011-02-02
30Mirage of Deep - The Garden Of Gaia2011-05-13
57Mirage of Deep - Talking Earth2011-05-13
23Mystical Sun - Mystical Sun2011-05-20
59ElectricOkra - ClaireRocket2011-06-07
44Michael E - Departures & Arrivals2011-06-15
21Steve Roach - Back to Life2012-01-03
92Edelis - Ether2012-02-22
11Mystical Sun - 260002012-05-23
15Bryan El - Boundaries Of Imagination2012-06-13
53Nicholas Gunn - Thirty-One Nights2012-09-11
49Tigerforest - Islands2012-10-01
64Dream Lab - Flax2012-11-07
32Edelis - Logos2013-10-30
48Nicholas Gunn - Twenty Years of Discovery2013
72Music from the World of Osho - Laughing Drums2013
34Gary B - Turn This Around2014